Genital Electrocution: A Real-Life Shock-Horror Story Row after row of tiny wire-mesh cages, stacked four high and about 25 in a row, chinchillas peering watchfully through the wires, a rack of pelts hanging on a far wall, and except for a radio playing softly in one corner of the room, a morgue-like hush. That’s the scene that two PETA investigators found at a fur "factory" farm secluded in a quiet, snow-covered town in Michigan. PETA’s Research & Investigations Department sent two underc...
Genital Electrocution: A Real-Life Shock-Horror Story Row after row of tiny wire-mesh cages, stacked four high and about 25 in a row, chinchillas peering watchfully through the wires, a rack of pelts hanging on a far wall, and except for a radio playing softly in one corner of the room, a morgue-like hush. That’s the scene that two PETA investigators found at a fur "factory" farm secluded in a quiet, snow-covered town in Michigan. PETA’s Research & Investigations Department sent two underc...
Behind the scenes, elephant trainer Tim Frisco instructs would-be trainers how to dominate elephants and make them perform circus tricks. “Sink that hook into ’em. When you hear that screaming, then you know you got their attention.” An elephant trumpets in agony as Frisco’s bullhook, with its sharp metal hook and spiked end, tears through her sensitive skin. Frisco, a Carson & Barnes elephant trainer, learned the trade from his father, a former trainer for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baile...
Home > Action Alerts > Help Stop the Army’s War on Animals! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the U.S. Army wants to provide its student medics with the best training available, it should replace the goats used in its advanced trauma life support (ATLS) exercises with teaching methods that befit the world’s most sophisticated and effective military. Not only is shooting, stabbing, and otherwise injuring these highly intelligent an...
The Lowdown on Dissection Millions of animals are killed and dissected in schools each year. Today, many students protest and educators question the destruction of life in the name of education. People are concerned not only about taking the life of innocent animals, but also about the pain and suffering that animals usually experience on the way to the dissection table. Dissection Hurts Animals Animals used in the dissection industry suffer terribly before they reach the classroom. P...